The mission of the California Department of Managed Health Care is to protect consumers’ health care rights and ensure a stable health care delivery system.

Common Questions

What can I do if I am denied care?

File a Complaint

How can I get health coverage?

Health Care Coverage Options

How can I find information about my health plan?

Health Plan Dashboard

Need help with your Health Plan?

Call 1-888-466-2219 if you need help with your health plan

DMHC Premium Rate Review Saves Californians Money


(saved since 2011)

Your comments make a difference! Search Rate Filings & Submit Comments

Health Plan Dashboard

Use the health plan dashboard to view or compare health plan information. The health plan dashboard features health plan contact information, enrollment data, complaint and IMR data, enforcement actions, and financial data.

Select a health plan by using the search window above or choose from a list of all plans.

View the DMHC Dashboard for a comprehensive look at DMHC health plan data.



California's 50th Governor Seal

Gavin Newsom

California Governor
Visit His Website
Photo of Kim Johnson

Kim Johnson

Health & Human Services Agency

View Kim's profile
Photo of Mary Watanabe

Mary Watanabe

Department of Managed Health Care

View Mary's profile